Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sex and the Single Body Part

You ever notice that when watching TV or movies and a couple is having sex, there are always these seamless transitions. They can go from walking in the door, to sprawled out on the bed or couch without a glitch. Or lying in bed next to each other, to magically intertwined, all hair and limbs in place. What i have found, is that real life is nothing like that.

My husband and i will lie in bed and give each other "the look", then we snuggle a little closer, but inevitably, there is an arm at an awkward position. generally my elbow winds up smacking into his forehead, or pressed at some weird angle against my chest,or maybe he headbutts my nose. point being, while it's always fun, it's definitely not the seamless transitions promoted through media.

I need a show, Really Real Sex - clearly for adults, that shows couples going on dates, coming home, and flopping on the couch, then you see the side collapse. Jumping on the bed and you hear the middle bar break. I want them to show how it really is; you go to snuggle and one of the partners turns away because of bad breath, not all this phony baloney stuff with perfect music and lighting. Really Real Sex coming soon on HBO, so the rest of us realize, we've been doing it right all along :)

1 comment:

  1. What are you talking about? My sexual encounters always come off seemless like a perfectly choreographed ice skating, wait, that was me dreaming about being with Maxwell...maybe you're right! LOL!
